Retrospecta #41: Yale School of Architectue 2017 – 18 -9781945150845


Product Details:
by Nicole Doan, Javier Perez
Paperback: 192 pages
Publisher: Yale School of Archi (第二刷 2018)
Language: English
ISBN10: 194515084X
ISBN13: 9781945150845

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Retrospecta catalogs activity at the Yale School of Architecture. Each volume is a snapshot of evolving architectural and graphic design trends.

The book demarcates events such as lectures, publication releases, and outstanding circumstances that have uniquely impacted the academic, social, and political environment at the school. Concurrently, Retrospecta 41 can be construed as a prospective glance, not only by future students and faculty, but also by the community at large. As we look ahead to the rising student activism, minority impact, and female voice which undoubtedly marked this academic year, we hope these shifts continue to evolve at YSoA.