Martin Steinmann: Forme Forte Ecrits / Schriften1972-2002 -9783764367930


Product Details:
by Martin Steinmann
Paperback: 208 pages
Publisher: Birkhäuser (2003, 1 edition)
Language: German
ISBN-10: 3764367938
ISBN-13: 9783764367930

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For three decades Martin Steinmann has been observing the much acclaimed architectural scene in Switzerland, commenting on it critically and sensitively. This volume is a collection of Steinmann’s most important essays, accompanied by a large number of illustrations. It contains text contributions on Burkhalter & Sumi, Diener & Diener, Herzog & de Meuron, Peter Markli, Miller & Maranta, Aldo Rossi, Hans Schmidt, and Peter Zumthor amongst others.”