Architecture Visionaries -9781780675725


Product Details:
by Richard Weston (Author)
Series: Visionaries
Paperback: 312 pages
Publisher: Laurence King Publishing (August 18, 2015)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1780675720
ISBN-13: 978-1780675725

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Featuring 75 of the world’s most influential architects, this book presents the story of 20th-century architecture through the fascinating personal stories and significant works that have shaped the field. Arranged in a broadly chronological order, the book gives the reader a sense of the impact that inventive individuals have had on the development of architecture and our built environment. Key dates in the architects’ careers are listed in timeline features, thereby allowing the author freedom to move beyond well-known biographies to analyze the buildings and map out the exciting visions behind them. With insightful text describing carefully selected examples, this is a dynamic and unique guide to the architects whose visions have created the buildings around us.



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