
Reintroducing Materials for Sustainable Design: Design Process and Educational Practice -9780367625191


Product Details:
by Mette Bak-Andersen
Paperback: 184 pages
Publisher: Routledge (2021, 1 edition)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0367625199
ISBN-13: 9780367625191



Reintroducing Materials for Sustainable Design provides instrumental theory and practical guidance to bring materials back into a central role in the design process and education.

To create designs that are sustainable and respond to current environmental, economic and cultural concerns, practitioners and educators require a clear framework for materials use in design and product manufacturing. While much has been written about sustainable design over the last two decades, outlining systems of sustainability and product criteria, to design for material circularity requires a detailed understanding of the physical matter that constitutes products. Designers must not just know of materials but know how to manipulate them and work with them creatively. This book responds to the gap by offering a way to acquire the material knowledge necessary to design physical objects for sustainability. It reinforces the key role and responsibility of designers and encourages designers to take back control over the ideation and manufacturing process. Finally, it discusses the educational practice involved and the potential implications for design education following implementation, addressing didactics, facilities and expertise.

This guide is a must-read for designers, educators and researchers engaged in sustainable product design and materials.