
JEAN MARC SCHIVO -9788878380127


Product Details:
by Jean Marc Schivo
Paperback: 168 pages
Publisher: L’Arcaedizioni (1995)
Language: English, French, Italian
ISBN-10: 8878380121
ISBN-13: 9788878380127

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Jean Marc Schivo

Member of “Ordine degli Architetti di Roma” and “Ordre des Architectes Paris – Ile de France”.

Since 2001 he has been teaching as professor in charge for the Degree Course of “Interior Design I” at the Faculty of Architecture “Valle Giulia” in Rome.

The architect Jean Marc Schivo was born in 1949 in Toulon (France), where he spent his childhood. When he was a 17 years old, he began his athletics career. He achieved important results in high jump ended with the participation at the Olympic Games in 1972 in Munich.

He studied at the Faculty of Architecture “Valle Giulia” in Rome, where he graduated under the tutorship of Bruno Zevi, with who he began a collaboration just after his degree, working on the research about the architectonic communication. His friendships and his relationships collaboration with some important personalities such as Corrado Cagli, Sergio Musmeci, Luigi Pellegrin, Jean Prouvé, Claude Parent, André Woghenskj, Ionel Schein have marked, in different ways, his idea of architecture and the way to communicate it immediately through the drawing. His professional activity is divided in designing different series of structures such as: sport facilities, museums, multifunctional and commercial centers, dwelling units, transport networks, structural elements. In 1991 he found with Lucilla Revelli the “Studio Schivo e Associati”, that in 2006 would become “J. M. Schivo & Associati s.r.l.”, now “JM Schivo & Partners”.