Works in Progress -9780876540695


Product Details:
by Alvin Rosenbaum, Diane Maddex, Gretchen Smith Mui
Hardcover: 208 pages
Publisher: Pomegranate Artbooks (1994)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0876540698
ISBN-13: 9780876540695

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A photographic chronicle of landmark buildings and projects under construction from the 1860s onward, from the Washington Monument to the Channel Tunnel. Rosenbaum, head of the Historic American Engineering Record, draws on news accounts, architects’ records, and other archival sources to describe the evolution of architectural and construction techniques. He discusses some 85 structures, such as skyscrapers, public monuments, bridges, theaters, and stadiums, tracing the growth of landmark photography and historic preservation and providing key facts about each site. Unfortunately, most entries are illustrated by only one (albeit large) b&w photo.