The Society of Interiors -9783887784904


Product Details:
by Rochus Hinkel
Paperback: 160 pages
Publisher: AADR (Spurbuchverlag) (January 1, 2016)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 3887784901
ISBN-13: 978-3887784904

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The Society of Interiors discusses a variety of spatial practices which critique, reveal, and resist the economical logic of a neo-liberal market. A market that caters for exclusiveness and individualities, where public space becomes an interior, that is highly controlled and privatized. The different essays unpack, develop and expand a diversity of interior and spatial practices in urban contexts that allow for a diverse public, express differences, and create other experiences and situations.

Contributors: Rochus Hinkel, Peter Lang, Tor Lindstrand, Petra Pferdmenges, Tatjana Schneider


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