The Art of Printing -9789887849414


Product Details:
Hardcover: 256 pages
Publisher: SendPoints (November 1, 2017)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 9887849413
ISBN-13: 978-9887849414

已售完,通常為已絕版書Out of Print,若有需要仍可以發訊息給我們

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Printing may be the most frequently used way of turning a creative idea into an actual product. In this book, we dig deep into the world of print, exploring the four major printing methods including stencil printing, planographic printing, intaglio printing and relief printing. With working mechanism of print techniques explained, printing and plate-making process revealed and interactions with printers presented, readers are given a chance to know the essence of print comprehensively. Over 90 well-selected printed works are featured in this book.


尺寸 27.94 × 21.336 × 2.286 公分