The Architectural Heritage of Sri Lanka -9781780675756


Product Details:
by Davis Robson (Author), C. Anjalendran (Illustrator), Dominic Sansoni (Photographer)
Hardcover: 240 pages
Publisher: Laurence King Publishing (November 3, 2015)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1780675755
ISBN-13: 978-1780675756

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Over the past two decades Anjalendran has established himself as one of Sri Lanka’s leading architects. Born into a family of Jaffna Tamils and a student of the prolific and influential Geoffrey Bawa, Anjalendran’s buildings are known for their simple directness, modern spirit, and acknowledgement of the rich vernacular traditions of Sri Lanka. His studio has provided all the detailed and varied drawings in this book.

Based in Sri Lanka with an intimate knowledge of the island, its people, culture and architecture, Dominic Sansoni likes travelling with no agenda. His photographs enliven the pages of this book, adding another dimension to the drawings.

An author, architects and professor of architecture, David Robson has written a number of books – on low-cost aided-self-help housing and housing for the elderly; a comprehensive monograph on Sri Lankan architect Geoffrey Bawa (2002), followed by two further books on Bawa; and a book on the life and work of Sri Lankan Architect C. Anjalendran.


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