Terrazzo Volume 4: Architecture & Design -9780847855513


Product Details:
by Barbara Radice
Paperback: 160 Pages
Publisher: Rizzoli (1990)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0847855570
ISBN-13: 9780847855575

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TERRAZZO was a very special biannual publication on architecture and design, edited and published between 1988–1995 by Barbara Radice, a prominent Italian author, design critic and member of the Memphis Milano design group. In conjunction with Ettore Sottsass, Christoph Radl, Anna Wagner and Santi Caleca, Radice created a unique and thoughtful periodical that focused on contemporary works of design and architecture, within Italy and abroad, touching on a vast array of disciplines in each issue, including literature, poetry, history, science, philosophy, art and anthropology.