
TC CUADERNOS Nº 160: Estudio Lamela Arquitectura -9788417753535


Product Details:
by Xavier Gonzalez, Olivier Brenac
Paperback: 362 pages
Publisher: TC Cuadernos (2023, 1 edition)
Language: Spanish, English
ISBN-10: 8417753532
ISBN-13: 9788417753535

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Estudio Lamela. Architecture 2005- 2023
Monograph issue 160 from TC Cuadernos is dedicated to Estudio Lamela, one of Spain’s most influential architectural studios, with a legacy spanning nearly seven decades since its founding in 1954.

In this 362-page publication, we analyze their most recent works ranging from residences and office buildings to large-scale infrastructure developments, such as airport terminals and sports stadiums.

Through their works, themes such as sustainability and urban regeneration are addressed, evidenced in projects like the reconversion of Expo Zaragoza and Centro Canalejas in Madrid, as well as the studio’s internationalization with iconic works like the Krakow Stadium, Warsaw’s Chopin Airport, and the refurbishment of Astro Tower in Brussels among others.

In summary, “Estudio Lamela. Architecture 2005- 2023” is an essential volume, presenting their architecture as a dialogue between past and future, local and global, tradition and innovation.

As always, through a visually rich narrative that combines texts, photographs, drawings, and redrawn constructive details for the occasion.

The publication also includes access to additional digital content linked from the printed version, adding extra value.