TC cuadernos NO 124 125 – Eduardo Souto de Moura -9788494464676


Arquitectura 2005-2016-HABITAR

Product Details:
Paperback: 374 pages
Publisher: TC cuadernos (Jul 1, 2016)
ISBN-10: 8494464671
ISBN-13: 978-8494464676
Language: Spanish, English, Portuguese

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This issue of TC cuadernos magazine features the work of architect Eduardo Souto de Moura in 374 pages extensively documented with photos, details and drawings.

Souto de Moura, born 25 July 1952, is a Portugese architect. Along with Fernando Tavora and Alvaro Siza, he is one of the alumni of the Porto School of Architecture, where he was appointed Professor. Souto de Moura was awarded the Pritzker Architecture Priza in 2011 and the Wolf Prize in Arts in 2013.

This monograph, the result of more than a year working with the architect, shows the
architectural production of Eduardo Souto de Moura in what refers to its residential architecture in the last decade, 2005-2016.

Collect 17 completed works, carried out in 374 pages with a large number of construction
details that make this an essential volume that followed by a second dedicated to all its non residential architecture.

Graça Correia as stated in the prologue: Its architecture is above all a result of high intelligence, marked by a disciplinary truly sensitive issues without falling into dogmas and fundamentalisms approach. It reveals a huge concern, historical rigor, ethical and

Stresses the importance of constructive rigor, less concerned, however, with constructive “sincerity” and more determined to build a relationship with the place through strong tectonic expression of their own building systems. The place is for him an enormous importance away, however, regionalist or contextual understanding of Kenneth rampton and seen from Oporto, or France, Abu Dhabi or New York, is not an architecture neighborhood or local or Portuguese – He has no country. And once again, as I said Pessoa. “Portuguese is essentially cosmopolitan was never a true Portuguese Portuguese: it was always everything” This is Eduardo.


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