Source Books in Architecture 7: Zaha Hadid: Bmw Central Building -9781568985367


Product Details:
by Todd Gannon (Author, Series Editor),‎ Zaha Hadid (Editor)
Series: Source Books in Architecture (Book 7)
Paperback: 160 pages
Publisher: Princeton Architectural Press (February 1, 2007)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1568985363
ISBN-13: 978-1568985367

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Zaha Hadid’s highly inventive and seemingly unbuildable designs have defied conventional ideas of architectural space and construction. The BMW Central Building in Leipzig, Germany, is no exception. It is the heart of the BMW factory complex the dynamic focal point of the entire plant that visually, physically, and experientially sustains a sense of animation and motion. With an audacious and abstracted geometry of forms and lines, the BMW Central Building challenges the notion of building as static and is definitive evidence of architecture as art. Zaha Hadid: BMW Central Building, the seventh volume in the Source Books in Architecture series, provides a comprehensive look at this instant modern masterpiece.


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