Reconstructing Space -9781870890984


Product Details:
by Michael Mack
Paperback: 192 pages
Publisher: Architectural Association (2004)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1870890981
ISBN-13: 9781870890984

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German photography has led the world in the reassessment of our relationship to the urban and man-made environment. Themes such as the way we move through space, and our alienation from the world around us, are explored by artists including Bernd & Hilla Becher, Gosbert Adler, Laurenz Berges, Mona Breede, Johannes Bruns, Susanne Brügger, Michael Danner, Thomas Demand, Christine Erhard, Andreas Gursky, Matthias Hoch, Candida Höfer, Thomas Ruff, Heiner Schilling, Matthias Schmidt, Michael Schmidt, Heidi Specker, Petra Wunderlich and Ulrich Wüst. The artists’ portfolios are supported by a series of essays that set the work in a theoretical and historical context.