
Public Open Space in Transition for Health and Well-being: Dealing with Undergoing Urban Change. Cities, Design & Sustainability | The New Series / 07 -9791280178190


Product Details:
by Dimitra Babalis
Paperback: 84 pages
Publisher: Altralinea Edizioni (2020, 1 edition)
Language: English
ISBN-13: 9791280178190

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Which open spaces and combinations of green-blue infrastructure provide optimum wellbeing benefits? How we do ensure these benefits are available to all? Can we reduce health and well-being inequalities through sensible design? The volume focuses on specific studies in urban design, environmental psychology and public health combining ‘green’ spaces with ‘green-blue’ infrastructures, active mobility and facilities, showing a series of criteria necessary to ensure that ‘green-blue’ space can work optimally. The book is divided in two parts: Part one goes on to demonstrate how design along waterfronts can contribute to support the well-being of people and encourage urban quality. Part two identifies design concepts for health and well-being in urban spaces.