


Product Details:
by Norman Trudeau
Paperback: 176 pages
Publisher: Whitney Library of Design (1995)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0823040984
ISBN-13: 9780823040988

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The model is the most effective tool a designer has to clearly present three-dimensional ideas to a client. If it is well made, it can look as real as the final product.
Professional Modelmaking is the only up-to-date reference on modelmaking today, with more than 100 new and old materials discussed – including resins, foams, plastics, wood, clay, solvents and adhesives – as well as state-of-the-art techniques, professional tips and tricks of the trade. The book provides step-by-step instruction, showing models and procedures at different stages of completion to facilitate a thorough understanding of the materials and processes being discussed. Also emphasized are safety and ecologically-sound practices, both important areas long neglected in the field. Brimming with full-color illustrations and instructional diagrams throughout, the book is accessible to amateurs and professionals alike. Professional Modelmaking is an invaluable resource for students, designers, modelmakers, architects, restorers and engineers.