Planning and Design for Educational Architecture: Primary & Secondary School II -9781912268894


Product Details:
by Wu Yan (Author)
Hardcover: 224 pages
Publisher: Design Media (UK) (2021)
Language‏: English
ISBN-10: 1912268892
ISBN-13: 978-1912268894

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The “Planning and Design for Educational Architecture” series includes five volumes, covering educational architecture for all ages: universities & colleges, primary schools & secondary schools, and kindergartens. . “Educational Architecture Planning and Design-Primary and Secondary Schools 2” takes the status and development , principles and methods of campus planning and design as the starting points, and conducts a comprehensive and in-depth interpretation through 19 projects to showcase the main elements such as rational use of land, shared services, and sustainable development implemented in the design of primary and secondary schools. A harmonious campus environment can allow the school’s culture and history to be inherited, and can fully cultivate students’ sentiments. We hope that this book can provide practical references for you!