Pamphlet Architecture 36 Buoyant Clarity -9781616896430


Product Details:
Series: Pamphlet Architecture (Book 36)
Paperback: 80 pages
Publisher: Princeton Architectural Press (April 24, 2018)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1616896434
ISBN-13: 978-1616896430

已售完,通常為已絕版書Out of Print,若有需要仍可以發訊息給我們


This newest addition to the Pamphlet Architecture series, long admired for its willingness to propose architectural solutions to challenging problems addresses the issue of rising sea levels with an interrogation of the concept of floating cities, a field of inquiry gaining increasing relevance and urgency with the impending reality of climate change. The authors explore notions of buoyancy and the amphibious through a typology based on human response and adaptation, to one of the hosting pressing issues of our day.


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