Objective Netherlands: Changing Landscape 1974-2018 -9789462084643


Product Details:
by Reinjan Mulder (Author), Peter Delpeut (Author),
Berno Strootman (Author), Cleo Wächter (Author),
Henk Baas (Author), Merel Bem (Author),
Ludo van Halem (Editor)
Paperback: 224 pages
Publisher: Nai010 Publishers (March 19, 2019)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 9462084645
ISBN-13: 978-9462084643

已售完,通常為已絕版書Out of Print,若有需要仍可以發訊息給我們


In 1974, artist Reinjan Mulder photographed 52 locations, chosen by overlaying a coarse grid on a map of the Netherlands, to capture the objective reality of his country. 42 years later, Cleo Wächter (born 1993) rephotographed these locations. Both sets of photographs are included.


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