Le Corbusier Redrawn – The Houses -9781616890681


Product Details:
by Steven Park(Soojin Park) (Author), Linda Lee(Editor), Sara Stemen(Editor)
Paperback: 192 pages
Publisher: Princeton Architectural Press (November 7, 2012)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1-61689-068-1
ISBN-13: 9781616890681

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Le Corbusier Redrawn: The Houses presents 25 of Le Corbusier s small residential work (self-sufficient and detached singleand double-family houses) through sectional projections (perspectival sections) as well as plans, sections, and elevations. Sectional projections, compared to other types of representation, capture most clearly the relational dynamic among different building elements and therefore express most effectively the architect s design intentions. The book is the only collection of consistently rendered original original drawings (at 1:200 scale) of Le Corbusier s architecture.

Included works are as follows:
1. Maison-atelier du peintre Amedee Ozenfant, Paris, France, 1922;
2. Villa Besnus, “Ker-Ka-Re”, Vaucresson, France, 1922*;
3. Villa Le Lac, Corseaux, Switzerland,1923;
4. Villas Lipchitz-Miestchaninoff, Boulogne-sur-Seine, France, 1923*;
5. Maisons La Roche-Jeanneret, Paris, France, 1923 – 1925;
6. Maison Ternisien, Boulogne-sur-Seine, France, 1926;
7. Maison du Tonkin, Bordeaux, France, 1924;
8. Pavillon de l’Esprit Nouveau, Paris, France, 1924;
9. Maison Planeix, Paris, France, 1924;
10. Maison Guiette, Antwerp, Belgium, 1926;
11. Maison Cook, Boulogne-sur-Seine, France, 1926;
12. Villa Stein-de-Monzie, “Les Terrasses”, Garches (Vaucresson), France, 1926;
13. Villa Church, Ville-d’Avray, France, 1927;
14. Maisons Weissenhof-Siedlung, Stuttgart, Germany, 1927;
15. Villa Baizeau, Carthage, Tunisia, 1928*;
16. Villa Savoye, Poissy, France, 1928;
17. Villa de Madame H. de Mandrot, Le Pradet, France, 1929;
18. Maison de week-end, La Celle-Saint-Cloud, France, 1934;
19. Villa “Le Sextant”, Les Mathes, France, 1935;
20. Maison du Docteur Curutchet, La Plata, Argentina, 1949;
21. Cabanon de Le Corbusier, Roquebrune-Cap-Martin, France, 1949*;
22. Maisons Jaoul, Neuilly-sur-Seine, France, 1951;
23. Villa Shodhan, Ahmedabad, India, 1951;
24. Villa de Madame Manorama Sarabhai, Ahmedabad, India, 1951;
25. Pavillon d’exposition ZHLC (Maison de l’Homme), Zurich, Switzerland, 1963.


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