Landscape Architecture 2021:05


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MAY 2021
8 Inside

12 Land Matters

14 Letters

18 Now
Movie night brings students together safely; Unknown Studio helps an isolated Maine landmark reach outward; poking holes in the border wall; and more.
Edited by Timothy A. Schuler

42 Tech
Print to Scale
A low-budget student project meets new 3-D printing technology, and an award-winning garden is the result.
By Haniya Rae

54 Advocacy
Room to Lead
The National Association of Minority Landscape Architects formed in a moment of recognition. Now it is using its platform to reach out to students.
By Ninon Scotto di Uccio

64 Goods
New Digs
Modern containers for urban plants.
By Emily Davidson

72 Alternate Ending
Silver Lake Reservoir in Los Angeles was once a gathering place, but when it was decommissioned, the future went hazy. Navigating a vocal public process, Hargreaves Jones and the local firm Chee Salette honed a jumble of ideas into a plan for people and wildlife.
By Timothy A. Schuler

92 Whose Eyes on the Street?
Design strategies meant to prioritize safety in public housing often increase surveillance and overpolicing instead. A new program for New York City Housing Authority communities returns the keys to the people who live there.
By Karl Krause

106 The Traffic of Traces
Visionary urban landscapes transformed by the hand of the landscape designer Valerio Morabito.
By Zach Mortice

120 Books
A Deep Structure of Place
A review of Cultural Landscapes of India: Imagined, Enacted, and Reclaimed
by Amita Sinha.
By Lake Douglas, FASLA

140 Advertiser Index

141 Advertisers by Product Category

152 Backstory
One Small Step
New legislation will protect historic sites on the moon from a future of commercial space ventures.
By Kevan Klosterwill