
Landscape Architecture 2020:02


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8 Inside

12 Land Matters


16 Now
Merritt Chase’s sticky approach to public input in Boston; a major hydrology park in Mexico City restarts; Houston makes a bid to attract BMXers; and more.
Edited by Timothy A. Schuler

36 Law
Public Space, No Exceptions
The Supreme Court in December affirmed that people have a right to sleep in public space when no other options are provided, but homeless advocates see worrisome holes in the net.
By Brice Maryman, FASLA

46 Planning
As golf declines in popularity, the office of Ratio helps Indianapolis fix its oversupply of public courses.
By Zach Mortice

60 Goods
Safe Keeping
Stabilize public space discreetly and with style.
By Emily Cox


68 Amazon Fire: Who Owns the Amazon?
Issues of sovereignty and colonialism in the Amazon Basin have long hindered efforts to protect its rain forests. The recent destructive push for development has made those conflicts more urgent.
By Catherine Seavitt Nordenson, ASLA

76 Lethal Glass Landscapes
North American wild bird populations have dropped by almost 30 percent since 1970. Landscape architects are working with policy makers to avoid the collisions that kill birds in cities.
By Jeff Link

90 Editorial Discretion
For a lakeside residential compound in Vermont, Wagner Hodgson weaves together old and new elements with a few striking moves.
By Jonathan Lerner


110 Tanner Springs Moments
A landscape designer investigates the way that photography shapes time and experience at a park in Portland, Oregon.
By Anne C. Godfrey, ASLA

122 Books
Disturbance and Regeneration
A review of Transformative Ground: A Field Guide to the Post-Industrial Landscape, by Ross Mclean.
Reviewed by Elissa Rosenberg

142 Advertiser Index

143 Advertisers by product category

156 Backstory
Green Light
Preparing the ground with an atlas for the Green New Deal.
By Jennifer Reut