Island Living: Inland Retreats and Shoreside Havens -9780789313065


Product Details:
by Linda Leigh Paul
Hardcover: 224 pages
Publisher: Universe (2005, 1 edition)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0789313065
ISBN-13: 9780789313065

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To live on an island is to live a life apart. Author Linda Leigh Paul’s Island Living captures the most charming island homes, including homes on the East Coast’s Barrier Islands, the Northwest’s San Juan and Gulf Islands, the Pacific’s Hawaiian Islands, and the Great Lakes’ Apostle Islands, among other homes on privately owned or low-density islands.

The island home reflects its owner’s reason for escape, whether it’s a person who turns to island living to feel more of this world, or the person who wishes to remove himself from the mainstream. Regardless, the island homeowner is individualistic and creative, and every space in Island Living speaks of a space that is its owner’s dream come to life, be it simplicity or utter luxury.

With more than 150 images and written in the transporting and distinctive tone that Paul’s readers have come to expect, Island Living is a book of fantasy―the home that is both refuge and wish embodied.