How to Grow a Playspace: Development and Design -9781138907065


Product Details:
by Katherine Masiulanis (Editor), Elizabeth Cummins (Editor)
Paperback: 366 pages
Publisher: Routledge(June 3, 2017)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1138907065
ISBN-13: 978-1138907065

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How to Grow a Playspace takes you through a global perspective of the different stages of child development and the environments that engage children in play around the world. From the urbanity of Mumbai; to rainbow nets in Japan; nature play in Denmark; recycling waste in Peru; community building in Uganda; play streets in London; and gardens of peace in Palestine, it proves that no matter where play occurs, it is ubiquitous in its resourcefulness, imagination and effect.

Written by international leaders in the field of play including academics, designers and playworkers, How to Grow A Playspace discusses contemporary issues around children and play, such as risk benefit in play, creativity and technology, insights into children’s thinking, social inclusion and what makes a city child-friendly.

With its own ‘Potting Shed’, this text is also a practical guide to support playspace projects with advice on teams, budgets, community engagement, maintenance and standards. How to Grow a Playspace is a comprehensive ‘go-to’ guide for anyone interested or involved in children’s play and playspaces.


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