
三分一博志 瀬戸内の建築 -9784887063570


Hiroshi Sambuichi – Architecture Of The Inland Sea

Product Details:
Paperback: 304 pages
Publisher: TOTO出版 (June 15, 2016)
Language: English, Japanese
ISBN-10: 4887063571
ISBN-13: 978-4887063570

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風・水・太陽など地球上の動く素材と地形より導かれた建築。建築家三分一博志が近年力をいれて取組む瀬戸内での作品を紹介。土地のリサーチから設計・完成へと進む三分一博志独自の設計手法と実現までの取り組みを豊富な写真とスケッチ、図面などを交えて、その地のみずみずしい空気感を伝える構成で詳しく紹介。宮島弥山展望台・六甲枝垂れ・犬島精錬所美術館・直島ホール・直島の家またべえ・おりづるタワーなどを掲載。瀬戸内国際芸術祭2016の「直島建築+The Naoshima Plan」公式ガイドブック。

Hiroshi Sambuichi deciphers the relationships between moving materials (wind, air, water, sun) and topography in an effort to derive the optimal building for a specific site. With his very local approach to architecture, the Hiroshima-based architect has gained a reputation for painstaking investigations into site and context before beginning the design process on each of his projects. He believes it is the appropriate strategy, even if one pursues answers to global concerns. Recently, he has focused particular energy on works related to the Japanese city of Setouchi, featured in this book, which coincides with his exhibition at the Setouchi Triennale 2016.


尺寸 19.812 × 19.812 × 2.286 公分