Haegue Yang – Lingering Nous -9782840668909


Product Details:
Paperback: 160 pages
Publisher: Les Presse Du Reel (November 1, 2017)
Language: French,English
ISBN-10: 2840668904
ISBN-13: 978-2840668909

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貨號: 9782840668909 分類: , 標籤: ,


This new monograph documents 21 installations conceived by Haegue Yang during the past decade, all constructed with venetian blinds. Yang is one of the most influential Korean artists of her generation, and many of her artworks attempt to provide sensory experiences through abstract narratives. Using various media she explores the sensual and formal properties of everyday objects and materials, taken out of their original context and rearranged into abstract compositions, investing them with a new, poetic meaning with political or emotional overtones. Her geometric, abstract constructions are in fact sensory experiences whose crux is an implicit critique of the modern.


尺寸 27 × 21 公分