
Future Proofing 02 – Stuart Lipton, Richard Rogers, Chris Wise, Malcolm Smith -9780393732375




Product Details:

Series: Edward P. Bass Distinguished Visiting Architecture Fellowship

Ed. by Nina Rappaport, Andrew Steffen

Paperback: 192 pages

Publisher: Yale School of Architecture (2007)

Distributed by W. W. Norton & Company

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0393732371

ISBN-13: 978-0393732375

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The Edward P. Bass Fellowship brings leading property developers to advances studios at the Yale School of Architecture where they work side-by-side with design faculty. Future-Proofing, covers work in Spring 2006, when Bass Fellow Sir Stuart Lipton of Chelsfield, joined Davenport Visiting Professor Lord Richard Rogers; Chris Wise of Expedition Engineering, and Malcolm Smith of Arup, to guide students through the design of Stratford City, the site of new high-speed Channel Tunnel Rail Link station in East London. The book includes interviews with the principal faculty participants in the studio, along with documentation of the student work as well as commentary by the panel of distinguished architects and planners assembled in New Haven to review it, including Peter Rees, Planning Officer for the City of London; Paul Finch, editor of the Architectural Review and Deputy Chair for CABE; and Greg Lynn, of Greg Lynn FORM. While the focus of the studio was on a specific site, the work and the discussion around it offers strategies applicable wherever cities seek ways to reclaim derelict urban landscapes.

Stuart Lipton of Stanhope; architect and Davenport Visiting Professors Lord Richard Rogers; Chris Wise of Expedition Engineering; and Malcolm Smith of Arup. The studio offered the students the opportunity to build a contemporary urban environment in Stratford City in East London, the site of the 2012 Olympics, as a new community around a new transit hub.


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