
Form and Structure in Interior Architecture -9781472572653


Product Details:
by Graeme Brooker (Author), Sally Stone (Author)
Series: Basics Interior Architecture
Paperback: 184 pages
Publisher: Fairchild Books (March 24, 2016)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1472572653
ISBN-13: 978-1472572653

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Form and Structure in Interior Architecture examines the basic ideas that underpin the design of interior space: From the establishment of a relationship between the existing building and the new components that inhabit it, to the design and positioning of significant elements within the space itself.

Through a series of groundbreaking case studies from around the world, this book proposes a method of analysis, understanding and exploitation of the existing building. Studies of contemporary work engage and stimulate, while clear diagrams and explanations allow students to understand and relate to the works in the context of architecture and interiors as a wider field.

The second edition includes a new chapter on sustainable interior architecture. This brings the book up to date by covering current thinking about the importance of sustainability in architectural design.


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