
Fieldwork, the Complete Reader -9781907414510


Product Details:
by Ryan Gander (Author), J. P. Watts (Editor), Kieran Long (Foreword), Wayne Daly (Designer)
Paperback: 464 pages
Publisher: Bedford Press (October 3, 2016)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1907414517
ISBN-13: 978-1907414510

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Sixty-six objects from Ryan Gander’s collection make up his major new works Fieldwork 2015 (2015) and Fieldwork 2016 (2016). Each object passes by a window, one after another, on a constantly looping conveyor belt. A National Trust sign protecting ‘Culturefield’, a chess set, a pair of dead pigeons, a kitchen sink. Found, fabricated, everyday and exceptional, these objects may represent the richness of our existence, mapping its totality one object at a time. Through this work and a series of writings, Fieldwork serves as a reader to Gander’s on-going and ever-evolving practice.


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