EL croquis 65-66 Jean Nouvel 1987-1994




Product Details:

Hardcover: 344 pages

Publisher: EL Croquis(3rd revised edition 2000)

ISSN: 0212-5683

Language: English, Spanish

已售完,通常為已絕版書Out of Print,若有需要仍可以發訊息給我們


Jean Nouvel (French: [ʒɑ̃ nu.vɛl]; born 12 August 1945) is a French architect. Nouvel studied at the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris and was a founding member of Mars 1976 and Syndicat de l’Architecture. He has obtained a number of prestigious distinctions over the course of his career, including the Aga Khan Award for Architecture (technically, the prize was awarded for the Institut du Monde Arabe which Nouvel designed), the Wolf Prize in Arts in 2005 and the Pritzker Prize in 2008. A number of museums and architectural centres have presented retrospectives of his work.

Jean Nouvel 1987-1998
006 Biography
008 Incorporating: interview with Jean Nouvel – Alejandro Zaera
042 Jean Nouvel: Intensifying the real – Alejandro Zaera
Works and Projects
060 Institute of the Arab World 巴黎 法國 1981-1987
088 Saint-Ouen Social Housing 巴黎 法國 1983-1987
094 Nemausus Experimental Scheme 尼姆 法國 1985-1987
112 Onyx Cultural Centre 聖布朗 南特 法國 1987-1989
122 Saint-James Restaurant Hotel 布里阿克-波爾多 法國 1988-1989
132 Pierres et Vacances Housing 岱角 法國 1988-1992
142 Tour Sans Fins 衛城-巴黎 法國 1989
152 Les Thermes Hotel and Spa 達克斯 法國 1990-1992
164 Cartier Factory in Saint-Imier 威樂瑞 瑞士 1990-1992
170 Lyon Opera House 法國 1986-1993
186 CLM/BBDO Agency Head Office 聖日耳曼島 巴黎 法國 1988-1993
198 Tours Conference Centre 法國 1989-1993
220 Bezons Social Housing 巴黎 法國 1990-1993
234 Cartier Foundation 哈士流大道 巴黎 法國 1991-1994
254 Galeries Lafayette 柏林 德國 1990
270 Euralille Centre 里耳 法國 1991-1994
286 Mediapark Complex 科隆 德國 1992
294 Lucerne Cultrual and Congress Centre 琉森 瑞士 1989 1993-1998
322 Andel Project, Prague 捷克共和國 1995-2000


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