EL croquis 186 Aires Mateus 2011-2016 -9788488386922


Product Details:
Paperback: 288 pages
Publisher: EL Croquis (2016)
Language: Spanish, English
ISBN-10: 8488386923
ISBN-13: 978-8488386922

已售完,通常為已絕版書Out of Print,若有需要仍可以發訊息給我們


Based in Lisbon, the office of Manuel and Francisco Aires Mateus has developed a prolific portfolio over the years, gaining recognition through a number of awards. This issue presents more than 25 works developed within the past five years. Besides an in-depth interview with the architects, it focuses on both finished projects and as yet unrealised ones, including a number of renovations. Small-scale residential works in the countryside and city feature prominently, among them House on the Alentejo Coast, House in Time, and House in Ajuda. Public projects include the Architecture Faculty in Tournai, a Meeting Centre in Grândola, and the Islamic Centre in Bordeaux.


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