EL croquis 183 讓·努維爾 2007-2016 當代的反思 -9787513911252



Product Details:

Paperback: 288 pages

Publisher: Beijing Culture Communication Co.. Ltd.(2016)

ISBN-10: 7513911258

ISBN-13: 978-7513911252

Language: English, Simplified Chinese

已售完,通常為已絕版書Out of Print,若有需要仍可以發訊息給我們


This edition of the magazine examines the work of French architect Jean Nouvel since just prior to his being awarded the Pritzker Prize in 2008. Featuring an interview with the architect and Francis Marmande, plus an essay by Santiago de Molina, it offers a diverse overview of how this critically acclaimed designer arrived at the present moment in his career. Included are nineteen projects that span the globe, among them the Louvre Abu Dhabi, the Danish Radio Concert House in Copenhagen, the renovation of Moritz Brewery, Hotel Renaissance in Barcelona, two housing projects in Bordeaux, One Central Park in Sydney, and the European Patent Office in Rijswijk.

让·努维尔,1945年出生于法国洛特佳龙省的福梅尔市,1966年以第一名的成绩考入巴黎国立高等美术学院,1972年获得建筑师资格,1976年法国建筑师三月运动的共同发起者,1977年建筑工会的共同发起者,巴黎市场国际竞赛的组织者之 一,1980年创立巴黎建筑双年展并成为艺术顾问。


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