
Drawing For Architects -9788968010729


Product Details:
Compiler : Natascha Meuser
Paperback: 320 pages
Publisher: Damdi Publishing Company
Language: English, Korean
ISBN-10: 8968010722
ISBN-13: 9788968010729

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The drawing architect – for centuries, this term was just as tautological as the baking baker or the gardening gardener.

Nevertheless, in this design manual one has to begin with the fact that the doctrine of signs is by no means a minor field of study for architects.
Design methodology, also referred to as methodology of space and the representation of the human body,
plays an important role in the current field of activity for architects – once more.

While in the post-war period architectural representation developed increasingly into the design plan and no longer served as an architectural consultant,
a counter-tendency can be observed in the meantime.
Elaborate perspectives and architectural consultants are an essential feature when securing the business of the architect.
Yet, as with a lot of specializations, a professional outsourcing also takes place in the fine-grained, diverse architect’s profession.

That is to say, the designing architect is not simultaneously the drawing architect. The authors Burelli and Philipp pursue this question in various ways.
It is still the case that, in addition to practical instructions for the developer, architectural drawings must have an aesthetic quality which is consistent
with the architectural quality.

This book is primarily devoted to the history of architectural drawing in order to address the issue of the role it currently plays and
which parameters are both indispensable and are of importance for the qualifications required for architects. – in the Foreword

Natascha Meuser

Born in 1967, studied architecture at the Illinois Institute of Chicago and interior design at the Rosenheim University of Applied Sciences.
Course-related placements and scholarships in Greece (set design) and Italy (painting).
In 1993 she was awarded the Art Institute of Chicago’s Harold Schiff Fellowship.

2000 – 2005 research assistant at the Technical University of Berlin. PhD on the History of Zoo Architecture.
Since 2016 Professor for Interior Design at the Anhalt University of Applied Arts in Dessau, next to Bauhaus.


‘도면을 그리는 건축가’라는 이 단어는 몇 세기 동안 ‘빵을 굽는 제빵사’나 ‘원예 하는 정원사’만큼이나 동어(同語) 반복의 단어였다.
본 서는 건축가에게 기호의 원칙(doctrine of signs)이 절대로 사소한 분야가 아니라는 점에서부터 시작된다.
공간의 방법론이나 인체의 표현이라 불리기도 하는 디자인 방법론은 건축가의 현 활동 분야에서 다시 한번 중요한 역할을 하고 있다.

전후 시대의 건축적 표현이 점차 상세한 디자인 계획으로 발전하며 더는 디자인에 도움을 주는 건축 컨설턴트 역할을 하지 않게 되었지만,
그동안 그에 반한 역경향도 볼 수 있다. 화려한 투시도와 건축 컨설턴트는 건축가로서 비즈니스를 얻는데 없어서는 안 될 요소이다.

하지만 많은 전문분야에서 그러하듯, 자잘하고 다양한 건축가의 직종에서도 전문적 아웃소싱이 이루어진다.
즉, 디자인하는 건축가가 동시에 그리는 건축가는 아니라는 뜻이다. 책에서는 이러한 문제를 다양한 방면으로 다룬다.
여전히 건축 드로잉은 건축 개발업자를 위한 실용적인 교본이며, 건축의 질과 일관된 미적 품질도 지녀야 한다.

이 책은 건축 드로잉이 현재 맡은 역할과 건축가가 지녀야 할 자질에 중요한 조건을 논하기 위해 주로 건축 드로잉의 역사에 전념한다.


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