DETAIL/德國-2023:12 Post-compaction


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From the editorial DETAIL 12.2023

Familiar spaces and new necessities

We dedicate our December issue to the phenomenon of densification and its possible solutions in architecture.
Everyone understands that densification is urgently needed. But no one wants to sacrifice their own backyard for this – “not in my backyard”. The Swiss urban sociologist Joëlle Zimmerli gets to the bottom of this dilemma in her essay. Our documentation shows successful current buildings whose architecture implements different scenarios of densification and enriches the urban space. It is obvious that dealing with the inventory becomes a significant challenge. For densification, it is not only the urban context that is crucial, but often also the specific building stock. This applies to expansions and conversions in narrow urban spaces.

Will the climate change come next year and how will architecture change in 2024? Anyone who makes clear statements about this can see clairvoyance. At the same time, we can observe that we have already set out to think about buildings and architecture differently and to critically question previous concepts. We are increasingly grappling with the question of what concrete steps we can take to build in a climate-friendly way.
In addition, in this issue at the end of the year we will introduce you to places and everyday experiences in our personal look at 2023 that are sometimes familiar and dear to your heart, sometimes exciting and new. Merry Christmas and lots of confidence for a happy and peaceful New Year.