
Arquitectura Viva 254: Sou Fujimoto Architects -0214-1256-254


Product Details:
Paperback: 80 pages
Publisher: Arquitectura Viva (2023, 1 edition)
Language: Spanish, English
ISSN: 02141256
ISSN-13: 9770214125004



Sou Fujimoto has managed to find in Europe the same rural beauty and urban complexity that fascinate him so much in his own land, and in 2016 he opened a branch of his Tokyo practice in the French capital. Arquitectura Viva presents some of his latest works where nature and artifice, chance and rigor, are alloyed no matter which side of the world they are in: the House of Hungarian Music in Budapest (Hungary), the HSG Learning Center in St. Gallen (Switzerland), the Shiroiya Hotel in Maebashi (Japan), the Flowing Cloud Pavilion in Tonglu (China), and the Sky Mountain Coastal Station in Haikou (China).


Sou Fujimoto Architects
Five works on two continents


Sou Fujimoto Architects
Cinco obras en dos continentes

Actualidad / News
Luis Fernández-Galiano
Paisajes probables Deliberate Landscapes

Focho: África en los canales Biennale Architettura 2023
Paisajes españoles Menis, Segurola, Sampedro
Arquitectura de muestra Foster, Zumthor, Heatherwick

Casa: Ignacio Borrego House in Torremocha de Jarama
Interior: Happel Cornelisse Verhoeven Temporary Senate
Exterior: Bach, A&EB, Bayona, Colomer El Firal Promenade

Sou Fujimoto Architects
Casa de la Música Húngara en Budapest
House of Hungarian Music in Budapest

Centro de estudios HSG en San Galo
HSG Learning Center in St. Gallen

Hotel Shiroiya en Maebashi
Shiroiya Hotel in Maebashi

Pabellón Flowing Cloud en Tonglu
Flowing Cloud Pavilion in Tonglu

Pabellón marítimo en Haikou
Sky Mountain Coastal Station in Haikou

Arte y cultura / Art and Culture
Rowan Moore
Juegos serios Ai Weiwei in London

Lluís Alexandre Casanovas
Un lugar vital Architecture at Museo Reina Sofía

Libros / Books
Historias ambientales On Climate and Catastrophes
Así es Chicago A City and its Myth
That Toddlin’ Town A Critic’s Guide to Chicago
Siza, proyecto continuo A Tribute from Spain
Moneo, crítica española Visions of Architects

Escuelas del mundo / World Schools
Diana Kellogg Architects
Escuela de niñas Rajkumari Ratnavati en Jaisalmer
Rajkumari Ratnavati Girls’ School in Jaisalmer

DAAZ Office
Escuela primaria Jadgal en Seyyed Bar
Jadgal Elementary School in Seyyed Bar

Escuela Wayair en Ulyankulu
Wayair School in Ulyankulu

Gonzalo Mardones
Jardín infantil Bambú en Las Condes
Bambú Kindergarten in Las Condes

Martin Wolf
Manifiesto ciudadano The Crisis of Democratic Capitalism