


Product Details:
by Sara Nadal (Author), Carles Puig (Author)
Paperback: 144 pages
Publisher: Gustavo Gili (2002)
Language: English, Spanish
ISBN-10: 8425218187
ISBN-13: 9788425218187

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The periphery as a representation of the “late capitalism” of the finisecular West constitutes the historical framework of this project. The periphery becomes, within this economic and historical context, a strategic place for global late capitalism in the formation phase. Divided into two parts, the first proposes to analyze the visibility afterwards of this imperative, to use a newly acquired historical perspective to observe the products of this significant fixing process. The second part will deal with the rehabilitation or reuse of the concept of periphery. Once the concept of the periphery is considered as obsolete, it is possible to recycle and reuse it, so that a prepositional resolution “around” becomes a theoretical proposition that gives new meaning to the concept and explores its possibilities.