Architecture of the Everyday -9781568981147


Product Details:
by Deborah L. Berke, Steven Harris
Paperback: 224 pages
Publisher: Princeton Architectural Press (1997, 1 edition)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1568981147
ISBN-13: 9781568981147

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This collection of writings, photo-essays and projects describes an architecture that draws strength from its simplicity, use of common materials, and relationship to other fields of study. Topics range from a website that explores the politics of domesticity, to a transformation of the sidewalk in Los Angeles’s Little Tokyo, to a discussion of the work of Robert Venturi and Denise Scott Brown. Contributors include: Margaret Crawford, Peggy Deamer, Deborah Fausch, Ben Gianni and Mark Robbins, Joan Ockman, Ernest Pascucci, Alan Plattus, and Mary-Ann Ray.