Appetizer – New Interiors for Restaurants and Cafes -9783899559309


Product Details:
Hardcover: 272 pages
Publisher: Gestalten (September 22, 2017)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 3899559304
ISBN-13: 978-3899559309

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Indulge all the senses. Interior designers and architects are creating unforgettable spaces and setting stunning new standards for restaurants, bars, cafés.

Pastel colors, hyper-realistic murals, indoor jungles, curved and luxurious couches, golden accents, and soft light. Designers, architects and restaurateurs transform a night out at a restaurant into a unique and memorable experience. An array of interiors creatively correspond with each particular menu’s offerings: flower shops that serve coffee amongst the blooms; art galleries that mix the best cocktails in town; shoe boutiques that double as dessert bars. Appetizer visits fashionable bars, tasteful eateries, cozy cafes, and everything in between.

Exquisite room concepts are realized with unusual ideas and materials, and experts showcase how to create dream rooms in dining realms. Within Appetizer awaits a range of inspiration for all who wish to satisfy their visual hunger.


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