Alison and Peter Smithson -9789064505287


From the House of the Future to a House of Today

Product Details:
by Alison Smithson (Author), Peter Smithson (Artist), Max Risselada (Editor), Dirk van den Heuvel (Editor)
Hardcover: 232 pages
Publisher: nai010 publishers (April 30, 2013)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 9064505284
ISBN-13: 978-9064505287

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Alison and Peter Smithson were among the most influential and controversial architects of the latter half of the twentieth century. Although great admirers of Le Corbusier, the Smithsons rejected his famous conception of the dwelling as a “machine for living”: for the Smithsons, a house should be suited to its location, and to the ordinary requirements of life; it should accommodate individual patterns of use. This book examines the evolution of their approach to the everyday “art of inhabitation,” extensively documenting housing designs such as the House of the Future and the renovations of/additions to the Hexenhaus.


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